I Believe in Truth
“To abandon facts is to abandon freedom. If nothing is true, then no one can criticize power because there is no basis upon which to do so. If nothing is true, then all is spectacle. The biggest wallet pays for the most blinding lights. You submit to tyranny when you renounce the difference between what you want to hear and what is actually the case.”
- from ‘On Tyranny’ by Timothy Snyder
According to Google & Alexa, I’m an artist and designer whose been creating for decades.
My passion is pen and ink fine art illustration.
The Latin words on my logo translate to “Eye, Hand and Pen”
Currently, I’m busy writing and illustrating my own books, which I publish through Amazon (I’m shopping for a new publisher for 2025 as I no longer wish to be affiliated with Amazon.)
I don’t do commissioned work, no longer give interviews, or engage in any social media.
My time on the internet is limited only to publishing work, bill paying and email.
Artist’s Statement
I believe that human creativity is a sacred practice through which we may reach the numinous domain of the transcendent. Therefore, artificial intelligence (AI) is never used in the production of any of my work.
I created the world's first LGBTQ computer game.
Caper in the Castro was registered for copyright © in 1989. It is not in the public domain.
Registration Number / Date:TXu000363013 / 1989-03-21
My NPR Interview
email: cmralphart@gmail.com